SNM Creatives

  • Certificate Number: SPND-01-380-277
    Sole Proprietor Name: Sandra Noluthando Mapuza
    Identification: South African
    Citizenship: South African
    Income Tax Number: YES – with South African Revenue Service (SARS)
    Trading/DBA/Defensive Name: SNM Creatives
    Defensive Name Ref.No.: 1337233DN
    Defensive Name Jurisdiction: South Africa
    Defensive Name Original Date: 16 January 2015
    Defensive Name File No.: 111063059
    Defensive Name Renewal Date: 16 January 2017
    Defensive Name Reminder Set: 16 November 2016
    Purpose of Sole Proprietorship: Networks is a social club for young high school learners
    who wish to explore the
    world of event planning
    and event management and
    most importantly have fun
    and exposure while at it as
    Networks generates its income.
    Business license/permit: N/A
    Email address:
    Website address: N/A
    Telephone number: 073 093 3188
    Trading Address: 304 Caledonian Heights , Kenmere and Regent ,
    Yeoville , 2198, Gauteng, South Africa
    Entry date: 26 March 2015