Certificate Number: SPND-01-379-654
Sole Proprietor Name: Jonanda Carstens
Identification: South African ID
Citizenship: South African
Income Tax Number: YES – with South African Revenue Service (SARS)
Trading/DBA/Defensive Name: JO CREAT’IT
Defensive Name Ref.No.: 1336451DN
Defensive Name Jurisdiction: South Africa
Defensive Name Original Date: 11 February 2014
Defensive Name File No.: 719590807
Defensive Name Renewal Date: 11 February 2016
Defensive Name Reminder Set: 11 December 2015
Purpose of Sole Proprietorship: Freelance graphic designer providing creative thinking,
graphic design (including marketing and advertising) and
illustration services to companies and individuals.
Business license/permit: N/A
Email address:
Telephone number: 082 578 1182
Trading Address: 9 Summerfield Village, 109 Wierda Road East, Sandton, 2196,
Gauteng, South Africa
Entry date: 20 February 2014