6D Productions

Certificate Number: SPND-0-279-382-398
Sole Proprietor Name: Alana Joan Aylmer
Identification: South African
Citizenship: South African
Income Tax Number: YES – with South African Revenue Service (SARS)
Trading/DBA/Defensive Name: 6D Productions
Defensive Name Ref.No.: 1338630DN
Defensive Name Jurisdiction: South Africa
Defensive Name Original Date: 15 February 2017
Defensive Name File No.: 111503509
Defensive Name Renewal Date: 15 February 2019
Defensive Name Reminder Set: 15 December 2018
Purpose of Sole Proprietorship: Production, client services, events, launches, conferences.
Business license/permit: N/A
Email address: alanaproduction@yahoo.com
Website address: N/A
Telephone number: 076 410 9634
Trading Address: Weltevreden, South Africa
Entry date: 21 February 2017